Kamis, 16 November 2017

Suzumoto Miyu blog: With Naako in Osaka during Best Hits, looking forward to Christmas Disney

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Suzumoto Miyu


Yesterday we performed in the Best Hits song festival ☆彡

We did our new song, Kaze ni Fukaretemo!

With Naako-chan ♬

Thank you very much!!
I enjoyed Osaka!

This year's Christmas Disney has begun (*゚▽゚*)
I haven't been there at Christmas before...so I'm definitely going this year!

I want to taste the Christmas mood as soon as possible ^ ^


________________________________________________ posted 171117  00:24h

Here's a shot of Miyu and Mona with Kyonko, who is becoming a bit of a queen bee, lol. Nice pic. 

 And here's an older shot of Miyu...just because.

By "Christmas Disney" she means Christmas at Tokyo Disneyland, of course.

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