Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Kakizaki Memi blog: New TV shows and new cherry-blossoms

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New TV Shows

Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.


Something like this, where sakura bloom from the trunk of the tree,
Is apparently called "body-blossoming sakura."

I wonder why it blooms from the trunk.

But very pretty, eh

Somehow, new Hiragana Keyaki TV shows
Begin in April!!!

Hiragana Oshi and
KeyaBINGO!4 - What's Hiragana Keyaki?
Two shows!!!!

For us to have been given two shows
Is truly like a dream. I'm really, really happy!!!

We're working as hard as we possibly can to definitely produce interesting and amusing shows!!

The first broadcasts are:

Hiragana Oshi -- April 9, 01:05am to 01:35am

KeyaBINGO!4 What's Hiragana Keyaki? -- April 17, 01:29am to 01:59am!!

Please be sure to watch 


Kakizaki Memi
posted 180325  22:37h

As most readers probably know, sakura means "cherry-blossoms." 

The middle photo is outstanding. A new favorite. Comments mention the paleness and transparency of Memi's skin. I like the unforced expression, too.

I believe the bottom photo is from Memi and Manafi's visit to Tokyo Disneyland 2-3 weeks ago. There is a very similar photo on Message.

I had to change the KeyaBINGO date from 16 April to 17 April to make it Monday night/Tuesday morning. No, the shows don't overlap in time on Sunday night. Never trust dates and times given by Memi, lol. Not her strong suit.

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