Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

Nagahama Neru blog: Turning 20...in 107 days

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Wheat gluten,   289

Nagahama Neru

Good evening.

107 days
To my 20th birthday!!

As I anxiously look forward to it, I somehow looked that up (lol)

When I pass 20,
What will change, I wonder... 

I wait in vague expectation.

Something must be going to change.
Or why am I looking forward to it so much...

I asked the older members
And they said: "Nothing much changed."

I see...

But I'm still excited!
And I haven't chosen my long-sleeved kimono..!!!

Somehow I'm in this month's
POPEYE magazine!

They've assembled a rich group
Of eminent legends
To tell people their favorite music....

And there I am, ashamed and grateful at being part of it.
Be sure to!!!

Speaking of POPEYE,
I recently bought Nikaido Fumi-san's Adult.

It's a waste for me to read it.
But I'm reading a little bit


And this is for all of you in Nagasaki:

On Friday the 25th, starting at 7pm,
I've been given the responsibility of doing narration
For KTN-TV's White Coat Melody.

It appears they heard my narration
Of the TV ad for the Hiragana 2gen auditions
And gave me a call!!

It made me very, very happy.
Please be sure to watch.

It appears it will be shown all around the country,
So I'll let you know about that when it happens


Thank you very much for reading.

Nagahama Neru
written evening 180520, posted 180521  01:14h

Neru actually writes upao under that pic, which appears to be a short form of uparupa, or "axolotl." Or maybe it's the name of her brother's pet axolotl (he has one). Axolotl:

That first pic above is Neru with herself on a poster for National Construction Industry Safety Week. We heard about this earlier, and the week itself comes up in early July.

This is Neru's first blog post in  15 days. I wonder what she has been doing...besides maybe checking on Manaka, or recovering from the effects of doing that.... The scandal mag Bunshun sent a paparazzo to catch Manaka with a male friend back home in Niigata. And there's Neru in two pics with them. This has become quite an issue, for Manaka at least, and some Neru anti's have been trying to implicate her in Manaka's reported misbehaviour. Time will tell what comes of this. I think the mention of Neru has died down, but you never know.

Namafu 生麩, the title of the post, is given in the Japanese-English dictionary as "wheat starch." But reading the Japanese-Japanese dictionary, it seems to be more like Chinese mianjin, the wheat gluten you make by kneading flour in a large amount of water until all the starch goes away and only the proteinous gluten is left. It's cooked in place of meat in vegetarian dishes.

Nikaido Fumi is a well-known actress who has issued two volumes of photos of herself and observations about growing up, covering the period from age 19 to age 20. The books were first serialized in POPEYE magazine.

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